
Strafford County Current Bids

The Official website of Strafford County New Hampshire


Please join the Strafford County Commissioners in thanking Joseph McGivern for his many years of dedication and service to the people of Strafford County. Through the years 2001 to 2024, Joe served in the following positions:
Strafford County Sheriff, Chief Deputy, Sergeant, and Deputy



Welcome to the Strafford County website. Whether you are a current, past, or prospective resident, we hope you enjoy your visit to our virtual home.

County Functions and Responsibilities

The County is currently responsible for: Caring for the elderly in need of nursing home care at Riverside Rest Home; operating a regional jail/house of correction, together with a jail industries program, community corrections program, drug and mental health courts, and a transitional housing program; the County Attorney oversees and provides for the prosecution of criminals; operates a domestic violence unit, child advocacy center, and family justice center; the Sheriff oversee and handles the transportation of criminals, delivery of writs and other Court-related paperwork, operates a Communications and Dispatch Center, and oversees Courthouse security; the Register of Deeds is responsible for the recording of official land transfer documents at the Registry; the Treasurer, together with the Commissioners, oversee the payment of all County financial obligations; as well as a variety of other community-related programs to assist the citizens of the County.

County Government’s Structure

The structure of County government today is modeled after a basic three-branch system of government. The three County Commissioners make up the Executive branch, with responsibility for the day‑to‑day operations of County government, in both fiscal and policy matters. In Strafford County, the Commissioners are elected for two-year terms, at large, meaning from anywhere in Strafford County.

By virtue of election to the State House, a Representative also becomes a member of the County Delegation, which in many counties meets several times a year. The Delegation works primarily on matters of budgeting, exercising its responsibility for appropriating money for County use, which makes up the Legislative branch of County government. It is likely that relatively few New Hampshire voters realize that when they elect their Representatives to the State House of Representatives they are also making them the legislative authority of their County.

Current County Events

Strafford County is made up of three cities: Dover, Rochester, and Somersworth; and ten towns: Barrington, Durham, Farmington, Lee, Madbury, Middleton, Milton, New Durham, Rollinsford, and Strafford, and is home to approximately 125,000 citizens. There are ten (10) counties in New Hampshire, of which Strafford County is the fourth largest in population. According to the 2010 Census the County's population was estimated at 123,143, with 80% of the population over the age of 18 and a median age of approximately 34. Strafford County's estimated racial/ethnic composition in 2010 was 94% White, 1% Black or African American, 3% Asian, and 0.2% American Indian or Alaskan Native, with the remainder of the population being made up of small percentages of other races. Individuals of Hispanic or Latino origin comprised almost 2% of the County’s population. There were 46,576 households reported in 2006-2010. The Census also found that the median household income in the County was $57,809.

A Brief History of Strafford County Government

County Government in New Hampshire began in 1771 with five (5) counties: Rockingham, Strafford, Hillsborough, Cheshire, and Grafton. Strafford County was organized at Dover in 1771 and was named after William Wentworth, 2nd Earl of Strafford. Today, the County borders on Belknap, Carroll, Merrimack, and Rockingham Counties in New Hampshire and York County in Maine. The Court system was once a part of County Government, but is now operated by the State of New Hampshire. Roads, which were also previously the responsibility of the County, are now cared for by the State of New Hampshire or the city or town in which they are located. The State Department of Health and Human Services provides services to assist families and juveniles with behavior problems. These services were also provided by the County at one time.

We hope this little synopsis of County government has enlightened you as to the workings at this level of government in New Hampshire. For further information on individual offices and departments within the County, please go to their web page.


Very truly yours,

Strafford County Commissioners

George Maglaras

George Maglaras, Chairman

 Robert J. Watson

Robert J. Watson, Vice Chairman

 Deanna Rollo

 Deanna Rollo, Clerk


The Strafford County Courthouse building will be open to the public.

For the purposes of preventing the spread of COVID-19, all persons entering the building should:

Self-screen for COVID-19 signs and symptoms. If anyone reports symptoms they should not enter the building.

Business should be conducted in a remote manner, if/when possible.

Anyone reporting household contact to someone with COVID-19 (in the past 14 days) should not enter the building.

Business should be conducted in a remote manner, if/when possible.

In accordance with the New Hampshire Judicial Branch (NHJB), unvaccinated people should continue to wear a face covering although they are not required to. Applicable to all areas of the Strafford County Courthouse.

Face coverings should be encouraged, NOT enforced.

Vaccination status is an honor system.

DO NOT ask others about vaccination status;

Face coverings offered to everyone;

It is the choice of the individual to wear a face covering.

Operations such as Probation/Parole, Community Corrections, etc. will operate under their own authority regarding inquiry of vaccination status.

Electronic/Remote means to conduct business are still encouraged; however, business may be conducted in person.

Social Distancing and Hand Hygiene are encouraged but not enforced.

For specific information related to Court Operations such as: media coverage, jury trial protocols, electronic services, etc.

For more information regarding COVID-19:

Riverside Rest Home specific updates: please see Covid-19 Information and Updates – Riverside Rest Home

NH DHHS COVID-19 information: Welcome | NH COVID-19 Response
CDC COVID-19 information: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | CDC
NHJB COVID-19 information: New Hampshire Judicial Branch - COVID-19 Update and Resources page (

                         Raymond F. Bower

Raymond F. Bower
County Administrator





Regulatory compliance with the EPA requires Strafford County to make their “Stormwater Management Program” (SWMP) publicly noticed. In addition, links to a number of informative bulletins from the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) that cover best management practices for Stormwater Management are included for further reading as part of the County’s educational outreach.



Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow that does not soak into the ground. In a forest, meadow, or other natural environment, stormwater usually soaks into the ground and is naturally filtered. When forests and meadows are developed, they are commonly replaced with impervious surfaces such as houses, buildings, roads and parking lots. Impervious surfaces prevent stormwater from soaking into the ground, which create excess stormwater runoff.    

Excess stormwater runoff can create problems when stream channels have to accommodate more flow than nature intended. When this happens, flooding is more frequent, banks erode, and the groundwater table is lowered. Stormwater can also become polluted with trash and debris, vehicle fluids, pesticides and fertilizers, pet waste, sediment, road salt and other pollutants when it flows over impervious surfaces, lawns, and other developed areas. These pollutants get picked up with the stormwater runoff and eventually flow untreated into nearby lakes, streams and other bodies of water.  The end result is to render these recreational and wildlife areas unsafe for swimming and creating an unsafe habitat for fish and other wildlife.

Stormwater pollution is one of the leading causes of water pollution nationally. Unlike pollution from industry or sewage treatment facilities, i.e., point source pollution, which is caused by a discrete number of sources that are easily identified, stormwater pollution is caused by the daily activities of people everywhere.

In New Hampshire, stormwater has been identified as contributing to over 90% of the surface water quality impairments in the state. All across New Hampshire, communities, businesses and property owners are experiencing the challenge of managing stormwater to protect the state’s water resources and to balance the need for a healthy environment with the need for social and economic growth.



Excessive stormwater runoff can carry pollutants to receiving waters that impact a wide range of water quality issues including:

- Shellfish bed closures due to bacterial contamination.
- Swimming beach closures due to bacterial contamination.
- Pathogenic bacteria/viruses from fecal material in pet waste.
- Toxic cyanobacterial algal growth from excess nutrients in runoff.
- Toxicity from ammonia, metals, organic compounds, pesticides, and other contaminants.
- Depleted dissolved oxygen levels due to increased oxygen demand from biodegradable organic
  material – leading to oxygen deprivation of aquatic organisms.
- Contamination of groundwater aquifers with soluble organic chemicals, metals, nitrates, and salt.



Strafford County Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit Year 2 Plans
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Plan 2020
Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) 2020
New Hampshire Small MS4 General Permit Annual Report 2020

Strafford County NPDES Permit Approval
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Approval – 2019

Strafford County Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit Year 1 Plans
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Plan 2019 
Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) 2019
New Hampshire Small MS4 General Permit Annual Report 2019



Virtually all water pollution problems in New Hampshire are caused by stormwater runoff from the roads we travel, the buildings and parking lots we visit, and even the homes in which we live. Every single property has the potential to contribute to water pollution. Every property owner can also be part of the solution to water pollution. NHDES has created a comprehensive guidance document and a hands-on voluntary program to assist New Hampshire home and small business owners in reducing water pollution.

New Hampshire Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management



City of Dover link on managing Pet Waste
Managing septic systems 
Full NHDES “Stormwater” website with links