Monitoring Equipment

Sentinel EM

SCCCP leases from the monitoring company on a day to day basis. Clients are responsible to pay for the leasing fees to be on SCCCP. If a client cannot afford their fees then they will be allowed to do community service to pay for them. Any clients with a disability can be placed on a slide scale.

Electronic Monitor communicates through the use of cell phone towers. It allows the individual to be given a scheduled curfew which enables them to go out and work, so they can still help support their families and attend any kind of counseling they might need. If the individual leaves their residence outside of the normal schedule, the monitoring company will notify SCCCP that the person has left their residence and broken their curfew.

Sentinel BART



BART is our alcohol monitoring equipment. The device is portable which allows defendant’s to take it with them through the day. The device alerts clients when to take a test through a series of beeps and flashing lights. While the defendant is taking their test an image is taken of them as well as a GPS location. If someone else takes the defendant’s test SCCCP is notified immediately

Sentinel GPS




Community Corrections also uses GPS supervision. An individual on the GPS unit has an electronic bracelet on, and their movements are tracked throughout the day. These individuals are also given a scheduled curfew, and if they do not return to their residence by the scheduled time, SCCCP will be alerted. If the individual has a no contact order with someone, or if they have domestic violence charge, we can prohibit the victim’s residence and place of employment; this way we are notified if the individual enters that area. The GPS reports all violations in real-time ensuring the fastest response possible.


Equipment Manager:

Jonathan Forcier, Community Supervision Sr. Case Manager

Phone:  603-749-0832 ext 5170

Fax:  603-740-2955
